Saturday, April 3, 2010

Gringos n' Dingos

First full day in Cusco. Huffed and puffed through the beautiful city has been incredible. Great views and good company (including TONS of stray dogs) - lots of expats waiting to take their shot at Machu Picchu. We sat with a couple from England last night at dinner and chatted with some travelers today at an authentic Peruvian bar called Paddy's Pub.

Also was able to sneak in two tasty meals at Jack's Cafe since our arrival. When beans and rice aren't an option, it's hard to pass up. Finishing the evening by watching Peru's national sport - the Final Four - on ESPN Vivo.


  1. Happy Easter from the Heartland....Can you breathe? I bet you are ready for the long hike up the hill, right? Thanks for keeping us up on your travels. Guinea pig, oohh couldn't do it.


  2. happy easter! i write this full of kielbasa, potato salad, horseradish and placzek. you may be on the trail now, trying to breathe deeply. we're pulling for you. can't wait to hear the machu pichu saga. loved the pics from cuzco, especially the woman in native dress. difficult at first to discern if she was coming or going...thank goodness for her sandals. love, mom that you found paddy's pub, the quintessential temple bar, er, cuzco experience.

  3. When you get there don't forget to wipe your lens.

  4. Nothing like a little ESPN to get you ready for the big climb.

    Maybe as I write you are on the beginning of your hike, donkey and all. Wishing you many full breaths full of incredible views.

    Spent the Easter weekend in Saratoga Springs with friends. Hatties for fried chicken on Friday...delicious. Micah I was thinking of you. Saturday a drive through Lake George, lunch and a brief stop at the outlets. And Easter brunch yesterday at Max London's. Was a nice escape from the city.

    Babysitting Charlie on Friday and besides that back to the grind in NYC.

    I think you will probably read this once you are back so I wish you a big welcome back!



  5. I take it you both are either dead or dead tired. If the later, we're looking forward to the details. Hopefully, hauling all of Biz's possessions up 5 flights of stairs was sufficient training.

    Inspired by your culinary adventures (guinea pig? Bourdain wouldn’t eat that with my fork), I whipped up some shad roe for dinner tonight. Basically, they are huge egg sacks that resemble a cirrhotic liver. Delicious!

    Remember kids, you have until April 15th to fund your Roth IRA for 2009.

  6. Almost forgot: please get me Susan Sarandon's autograph while you're there. Thelma and Louise changed my life.

  7. today's the day you re-enter the wired world. eager to hear all about the machu piccu fun. yep, saw that ms. sarandon (pics in people magazine) was wandering the mountain, but i think you missed her by 2-3 days. darn, would've been a fun encounter. Mom

  8. I'm waiting to hear about the trek, too, Maureen. We must have that maternal radar going. Too bad they missed Susan, I wonder how she travels--hopefully like everyone else.

    Let us all know what you loved the most and what hurts the least!
